Warblers Club, Inc. - Warblers on stage
Welcome to the Warblers Club web site. The Warblers Club is a men's choral group that has it roots in the original Warblers Club of Woodlawn High School in Birmingham, Alabama, which existed from 1929 until 1977. Most of the current, active performers were members of the Woodlawn High Warblers during their high school days. For more information on the history of the Warblers Club see our History page.

Today's Warblers Club seeks to preserve the spirit of the original Warblers Club, preserve and perform quality men's choral music, and promote the sense of brotherhood that has always been a part of the Warbler Spirit. Through revenues generated from its performances, Warblers Club, Inc. has, for many years, provided funding for several local charities in the Birmingham, Alabama area.
The current, active performing group numbers approximately fifty men, of all age groups, who perform for numerous civic, religious, charitable and commercial functions regularly. Periodically, the Warblers Club produces a major show, held in a large venue in the Birmingham area. These major shows typically draw audiences of thousands of people. Music performed by the Warblers includes a large repertoire of traditional, spiritual, religious, patriotic and popular Broadway choral numbers. Most of the musical numbers performed by the Warblers were written and/or arranged by Warblers.